JAMES ABROAD ADVENTURESFeb 04, 2024Check out my blog about the cost of buggage forwarding in Japan via TAQBIN LikeReactions00 comments0Views
JAMES ABROAD ADVENTURESFeb 03, 2024First time capsule hotel experience in Tokyo!LikeReactions00 comments0Views
JAMES ABROAD ADVENTURESJan 21, 2024How to understand a Japanese bus schedule at a bus stop LikeReactions00 comments0Views
JAMES ABROAD ADVENTURESJan 20, 2024Know if your diamond is REAL OR FAKE Testing device!LikeReactions00 comments0Views
Comfort JapanDec 03, 2021What kind of food do you recommend in Japan?LikeReactions032 comments32Views
Comfort JapanDec 03, 2021Missing Home foods? Recommend your local cuisine in JapanLikeReactions025 comments25Views