Back in October, Comfort Japan posted an article from the director of Global Power, a staffing platform for highly skilled professionals.
One of his responses sticks with me - he says it's essential to achieve JPLT N2 level (or equivalent). I've achieved it and feel at ease in meetings, get along fine in most social situations, but I'm nowhere near fluent, I feel. Is the only solution formal language training? Are there other ways to pull up to the equivalent of N1?
I have heard that getting the N1 is just luck, if you know the vocabulary or not.
As far it's inside my "comfort"zone aka the vocabulary and grammar I'm used to use it's alright but when it's a different situation I can't talk lmao
Also I tend to know words that belong to a specific field 専門用語 that might be considered as "difficult" words thanks to my interests. So I might be able to follow conferences on herbal medecine and understand 100% but I won't be able to understand some random news on TV 😂