this year, the auspicious days in November are the 4th, 16th, and 28th. This is when temple markets sell lucky kumade rakes. Is there a market near you?im considerNig visiting Asakusa…www.asakusa-torinoichi.tokyoAsakusa Ootori Jinjya Torino-ichi (on 2022 Nov. 4 & 16 & 28 ) | 【浅草 おとりさま】鷲神社 酉の市ASAKUSA OOTORI-JINJYA TORINOICHI is one of the biggest festival in Tokyo. This festival will open 24hours. night and day, on the day of "TORI"(on 2022 Nov. 4 & 16 & 28 ).please enjoy this in Asakusa.