I had dried (snack) natto for the first time in awhile last week. It was made by a local Fukuoka-based manufacturer. They had salt, Okinawan black sugar, and plain varieties. Although there is a hint of natto flavor, there was no gooey quality, which most of the others seemed to appreciate. They said that it isn't different from peanuts or other finger-food for bars. I don't disagree, but I prefer the gooey and stinky stuff! lol
A few weeks ago, I learned something about the dried natto. In addition to being less gooey and stinky, the freeze drying process causes the natto bacteria to "retreat" to a spore. The spores can remain alive for years, until it is returned to a water-rich environment.
What this means is that much more of the bacteria stays alive in your digestive tract, allowing it to remain active in your intestines. Apparently, the prebiotic function is 10 times as effective as regular natto.
I'm still a big fan of regular natto. But it does make me into a fan of the dried natto too!
It's a staple in the region where I live, and a friend turned me on to natto as a side over rice. I also never fail to get natto maki when I go for kaitenzushi.It's apparently good for you, too, reducing blood pressure and fighting heart disease.
I love the stuff. I particularly like it with okra, nagaimo, and raw egg–a combination of gooey delight!
I love it! I also made my (Japanese) partner like it 😂😂
Have you ever tried dried natto? It can be found at shops like Kaldi (the otsumami corner I guess). It's so tasty it's hard to stop.
It's a staple in the region where I live, and a friend turned me on to natto as a side over rice. I also never fail to get natto maki when I go for kaitenzushi. It's apparently good for you, too, reducing blood pressure and fighting heart disease.
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It’s okay, but not my favorite.
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