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Helpful Life Info - Insurance

Updated: Dec 26, 2022

Helpful Life Info


Information about Public Health Insurance System, Copayment, Medical / Life Insurance for International Individuals, etc.


< Public Insurance >

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Overview of a Medical System of Japan / Flowchart of Insured Medical Services / Information about Medical Copay Rate

Information about Enrollment of International Residents in National Health Insurance and Medical Care System for Elderly Aged 75 and Over

Kanagawa Prefectural Government

Information about Covered Individuals with / Procedures for National Health Insurance and Medical Care System for Elderly Aged 75 and Over


Description for Taxes Including Individual Income Tax, Withholding Tax, etc. / Information about Income Tax Reporting Guide

Nobue Yamanaka(Y's Trip channel)

Description of "High-Cost Medical Expense Benefits" from Medical / Health Insurance & Information about Claim Procedures

Nobue Yamanaka(Y's Trip channel)

Information about Insurance Systems & How to Calculate Insurance Premiums


< Private Insurance >


Information for International Residents in Japan about Medical & Life Insurance Coverage with Low-Cost and Short-Term Options

Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co.

Information about inbound travel insurance to Japan, 「訪日外国人向け海外旅行保険 (Travel Abroad Insurance for International visitors to Japan)」


Helpful Life Info

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