I think you should know that even Japanese people who have lived abroad will still maybe do something called a 'Confession' around the 3rd date where they admit they like you and ask you to be their boyfriend or girlfriend. This is a little jolting and surprising but its an important part of their culture. Don't feel so much pressure around this question. It's just a question. : )
In my experience, one thing that makes dating in Japan a lot easier is speaking Japanese. If you only speak English, your options are more limited, especially if you live outside of Tokyo area. Communication is so important in relationships, so if you can communicate with more people, you have more chances of meeting someone.
It’s expected that you may encounter sole cultural differences but people are people first so I think you should approach dating as you would normally approach it. Get to know someone and see if you’re match.
There’s a stereotype that most people in Japan date in hopes of marriage but things are changing and there are all types of people looking for different things. It’s for you to find the person that suits you whether you’re looking for something casual, serious or nothing at all.
Totally agree! I don't like it when people ask me "What is it like to date a Japanese man?", because every person is different anyway. My husband and I got along immediately because we see each other as people, not as "a Japanese person" and "a foreigner".
@Lieke To be fair though, I think we all hear the stories (usually horror ones) associated with dating/being married to Japanese people and it makes people think that there is something inherently different about dating a Japanese person. Or any person got X country. It is silly though
I think you should know that even Japanese people who have lived abroad will still maybe do something called a 'Confession' around the 3rd date where they admit they like you and ask you to be their boyfriend or girlfriend. This is a little jolting and surprising but its an important part of their culture. Don't feel so much pressure around this question. It's just a question. : )
In my experience, one thing that makes dating in Japan a lot easier is speaking Japanese. If you only speak English, your options are more limited, especially if you live outside of Tokyo area. Communication is so important in relationships, so if you can communicate with more people, you have more chances of meeting someone.
It’s expected that you may encounter sole cultural differences but people are people first so I think you should approach dating as you would normally approach it. Get to know someone and see if you’re match.
There’s a stereotype that most people in Japan date in hopes of marriage but things are changing and there are all types of people looking for different things. It’s for you to find the person that suits you whether you’re looking for something casual, serious or nothing at all.